Nesheim's Disaster Restoration
Nesheim's Disaster Restoration is a water and fire restoration company based in the Lafayette, CO. When disaster strikes Nesheim's is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to start the recovery process. They are equipped to help residential and large commercial properties when they are in need. The owner's Edward Fosado and his wife Lindsey take great pride in providing the highest quality service and going the extra mile to make customers for life. They have been in business since 1981 and have a stellar reputation.

01. Approach
This project didn't have any time rush or soul crushing must have requirements. We were essentially given a brush and allowed to paint. Nesheim's has been in business since 1981 so getting across that they were a trusted professional was important. They have another business that focuses on cleaning of carpets, rugs and upholstery, but we found over the years that Google had pigeon-holed them into just being a cleaning company. They are the same company as Nesheim's but this website was created to highlight one of their primary services and make sure Google showed them as relevant in this industry. We needed to make sure potential clients were aware that Nesheim's offered the service and the current website focused on cleanign so we found it to be best to create a new site to highlight the distaster restoration services separate from the cleaning services.
02. Design
Nesheims does have another website and another business which includes carpet, rug, and upholstery cleaning so we wanted to use a similar color palette, logo and fonts to give a similar look and feel to both sites. This site used the same "Montserrat" font as the previous website but we added an "Open Sans" font headings. We used the same color scheme as the original Nesheim's website but we included a couple of lighter blues and greens to enhance the palette. We wanted to use a little bit of a "slanted" layout approach to convey that when live was a little crooked Nesheim's Disaster Restoration would be there to get things straightened out.





Open Sans
This project was a fully custom coded, non-templated, responsive layout based on CSS Grid with a Flexbox fallback for older browsers. Therefore, this project is not reliant on outside libraries or Javascript to be fully responsive. As per usual the starting point was HTML5 Boilerplate and Reset.css, to follow current best practices and reset default browser styling. The Nesheim's team will be able to maintain the verbiage, add articles and change images on the site by utlizing Perch as the content management system. Every page in the project was tested and confirmed to be W3C compliant with the exception of lazy loaded images and Cloudflare's Rocket Loader feature. All css and other element files are modular in nature. In order to improve page speed up loading Gulp was used to combine and condense all CSS files. This project included Modernizr as a feature library, but it didn't include any jQuery as all javascript was vanilla javascript so not to require the dependency. This help chane increased speed due to less code and the ability to combine all vanilla javascript files. The slowest loading web page according to was approximately 1.1 seconds with most pages average loading times being less than 1 seconds. Also, to increase speed through caching and to meet Google SSL requirements we utilize Cloudflare. CSS and javascript animation were created by using the following libraries: Animate.css; Hover.css; & T-Scroll. Other code and libraries used include HTML5 Boilerplate, Reset.css, Modernizr, Easy Responsive Tabs and Google Analytics. Software utilized to create this project included Brackets, Photoshop, Perch CMS, Akismet, and
The coding skills used to make this project fly included:
- CSS3
- Javascript